Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Motivation.

Growing up, I was a pretty avid athlete. I played soccer from the time I was 2 (they start us Germans young in the beautiful sport) up through college and playing intramural games now. Being in the military requires you to be physically fit because it could be the matter of life and death one day. But let's be honest, 99% of women in this world work out and diet endlessly to look good in a bikini. To be completely honest, that's a main reason as to why I work out. I live in the South where it's warm 80% of the year, and I'm about to move to Hawaii where it's a paradise year round; being in a bikini isn't really optional.

Over the years I've gone through countless workout programs, anything from Insanity to Crossfit and everything in-between, and I've dieted to no end as well, sometimes to the point where it was unhealthy. I've been yo-yoing constantly for the past 2 years and I'm tired of not loving the way I look and feeling like shit because I'll eat great for 2 weeks only to fall off the wagon again. So, I figure what better way to motivate myself than to post to my blog? The place where anyone on the internet can follow my journey and possibly get motivated themselves as well. My hope is every Monday, post what I've been eating lately and the workouts I've been doing, mostly, to hold myself accountable and maybe influence a few people along the way.

Yesterday, I started the Kayla Itsines BBG program and today am stumbling around like a crazy person because my legs feel like jello. I will share my journey with you and post progress and food  (clean and cheat meals) photos to my Instagram to hopefully keep myself motivated to continue on this track instead of falling continuously off the wagon. So stay tuned, and cheers to loving ourselves and our bodies.

Sweat with Kayla App
Contains everything every BBG Girl would need in one place


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