Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Motivation 3.

So Week 2 of BBG has come and gone and I've kept up with this week's goal of consuming 100 oz of H2O. Week 2, surprisingly, is when I usually fall off the wagon. I get bored of the workouts (if it's repetitive) and my body feels deprived because I cut out certain foods. This time around, is different though. BBG is great because it switches it up every week and I decided to not deprive myself of the foods I love (i.e. pasta, chocolate and wine) but find healthier ways to work them into a meal and eat the indulgent stuff in moderation. This has been really key for me, because if I know I can't have a certain food, I go absolutely ham on it when I do get a taste, so for those of you out there who are like me, you may want to try this approach.

And now to my Weekly Workouts from Week 2:
Monday - BBG Legs & Cardio (Nice to see ya Burpees) & Leg Burnout (Ham Curls / Abductor / Adductor / Calf Raises until Failure)
Tuesday - Spin 40 Minutes & Popsugar Pilates Workout
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - BBG Arms and Abs + Weight Plate Press & Weighted Side Bend Burnout & Spin 20 minutes & Sprints for 15 min
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - BBG Full Body & Walk 45 minutes
Sunday  - Spin 20 min & Finding 1 rep max of Power Clean, Squat Clean and Bench Press

This week my goal is to mix in CrossFit classes on M-W-F and do the BBG workouts on T-TH-SAT. I love the BBG workouts and how it's really targeting my body fat and making me sweat due to the HIIT factor. However, I used to do CrossFit and miss how strong I used to be doing it and how therapeutic it was, so when one of my girlfriends (hi Janelllllll) said she wanted to get back into it as well, I told her I'd go with her. And promising a friend to go to the gym kind of locks you into working out, so extra motivation right? I know I'm going to be incredibly sore (which is a torturous feeling that I actually enjoy), but I can't wait to get back into something that I used to enjoy so much. I also think mixing the two programs together (weights + HIIT) will do wonders for my fitness level and, of course, my summer bodayyyy.

So stay tuned for next Motivation Monday & be sure to check on my IG (@itstatjanaaa) to see pictures of foods that I eat and workouts that I've been doing.

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