Tuesday, April 5, 2016

24 things I've learned in 24 years. (Part 1)

With my 25th birthday looming in the next few months, and my quarter life crisis already in full gear, I thought that I would sit back and think about everything that I've done in the quarter of a century that I've been alive and share some of my "wisdom" with you. To prevent a giant singular post, each week I'm going to share a few snippets of what I've learned so far. So, without further ado, here are the first 4 things I've learned in 24 years.

1. Mom is (usually) right. My mom and I are incredibly alike, not only in looks, but in personality. We are both incredibly hard headed and stubborn which made for some pretty "fun" teenage years. I rebelled A LOT as a teenager and did the total opposite of my mom's advice just because I wanted to be right and prove her wrong. Now, as an adult, I really value her opinion. Do I always agree with her? No, but just hearing what she has to say helps me think a little bit outside the box when it comes to making a responsible decision.

2. Don't be afraid of being alone. Having witnessed some toxic relationships growing up and being in some as well, I found that I often settled for a guy because I didn't think that I could get any better or because I was afraid of being alone. When the time came after a bad breakup where I actually was alone, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I had a lot to provide in a relationship, that I put other people before myself, that I'm stronger than I thought and I deserved love. Being alone can be a terrifying thought, but you often learn a lot about who you are during the solitude.

3. When you do find someone right, make the dive headfirst. When I met my husband, we had only been dating about 6 months before we got married. Being in the military and wanting to be stationed in the same place was a big factor in that decision, but we both had to put our full trust in the fact that we really truly loved each other and that this was the right decision. We have learned so much about each other along the way and we have had to grow, not only in our relationship, but as partners as well. While we still have more to learn, I know that marrying my husband was the best decision I have made (so far) and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

4. Surround yourself with a Girl(squad). I'm the type of girl who doesn't have Taylor Swift size girl squad, but I do have 2-3 girls that I am extremely close with and would trust with anything. Being in the military and being surrounded by 85% men all the time, it can be difficult to find a girl that you truly vibe with. I've been extremely lucky to find friends that I trust completely and would be willing to go to battle with and for. These girls have been there when I've been at the lowest points and highest and have put aside everything to be there for me. Carrie Bradshaw was right when she said that our girlfriends are our soulmates because I don't know what I would do without mine.


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